Rushik Shah


The Ting in Marketing

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

Smart Digital Marketing Strategies for Exponential Business Growth

SKU: TTIMSDMSFEBG Category: Tags: , ,


This book is a summary of my last 16 years of experience in the digital word, along with real life scenarios faced by a lot of entrepreneurs whom I have worked with, along with many whom I have interacted and interviewed. It has experiences, of many successful entrepreneurs whose story I have shared through the book, which can help aspiring Business can help many aspiring business owners/leaders to grow their business to the next level in much shorter time by avoiding the same mistakes done by others. Here are some of the topics covered in the book:

1.Myths of Digital Marketing
2.Top Benefits of Digital Marketing with case studies
3.Business Model Redefine and Target Audience Creation
4.Outcome that consumers really want
5.The TING framework
6.Top ways on how to get traffic
7.Search Engine Marketing Growth Hacks
8.Content Optimization Tricks
9.Social Media Growth Hacks
10.Conversion rate optimization techniques

Additional information

Weight 0.295 kg
Dimensions 15.24 × 0.89 × 22.86 cm

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